June Goals

photo via nyc bambi

New month, new me. Not to be a total cliche but I do feel like there's a bit of truth here. Every time I flip the pages on my calendar to a new month I feel a pull somewhere deep in my gut to renew everything. It's almost as if the first of each month is an alarm; a reminder to step back and reevaluate how things are working and what I can do to make it all a little better. There's a lot of change happening for us right now and everything feels so new and exciting.

There are good and bad feelings that come with so much upheaval but I cling to newness the most. With newness I can implement different systems and start everything over. My daily routine can change (I'll keep what works and add in new little rituals), my outlook can be different, my attitude can align a bit better with the direction I hope to go.

Goal setting is something that I've wavered back and forth with for years. Sometimes I'm steadfast in my list making and diligent with progress. Other times I'm listlessly floating through the year without aim. This month I thought I'd sit down, gather my thoughts and lay out my intentions for the next thirty days.

  1. become our family's record keeper - I've touched on it briefly in recent posts but since my mom passed away in February I've felt a need to keep records. I'm determined to gather our family memories in a more tangible way. To take more pictures (I'm even considering taking on a 'portrait of my family every week in 2017' type challenge), record more videos, save more ticket stubs, etc. With our big move and a Hawaiian vacation coming up this month there will be lots of opportunities to make and document lasting memories.
  2. live in the moment - On the flip side of life behind the camera, I'm also on a quest to soak up each moment as it passes. One of my biggest goals this month is to slow down the planning a bit (I've been glued to my bullet journal recently) and take each moment as it comes. This is totally hard for a serial type-A planner but I'm working on it!
  3. make new friends - No woman is an island... even while living on one. I blogged about the importance of female friendships a while back (read that post here) and I'm no less determined to seek out a girl gang in our new home. Making an effort to make connections with our new neighbors is at the top of my to-do list for June. I feel a lot of backyard BBQs, weekend projector movie nights and play dates coming on.
  4. settle in - This move is a little different from the others we've braved in the past. During the next two hectic weeks we'll pack up everything in our house and what doesn't fit in the allotted two suitcases per person will come to us by barge across the Pacific Ocean. While we won't receive our shipment of household goods for a couple of months, I still want to settle into our new home quickly. We'll be living in government housing and won't be able to do things like paint or renovate. Most of our furniture will come from an on-island warehouse (we're storing ours stateside for the duration of our time there) and everything is one big mystery. I'm choosing to look at this as a challenge instead of a hardship... I'm on a mission to make it feel like home and fast!

Whew! This month will be a doozy but that keeps things interesting. What are your goals for June?