New Years Resolutions | 2015

original image via | hand-lettering by Chelsea & The City

"Drink more water. Become the ocean. Nourish. Grow vegetables. Climb on mountains. Swim in rivers. Sleep under the stars. Make pilgrimage. Moisturize. Write letters. Be friendly. Accept love. Keep plans. Give song. Give warmth. Paint portraits. Write poems. Look to the moon. Study the mysteries. Fewer screens. More coffee dates." - The Wholesome Handbook

I can't believe it's 2015, can you? I spent an extra couple of days letting this particular calendar change really sink in. With every new year comes a new set of priorities, goals and hopes for the future. I always wait for the quiet reflection that the start of January brings and writing down my resolutions has become my favorite way to kick things off. Last year I created a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days and although I made some great progress, I have decided to start fresh with a list of things that really matter:

1. Get married! Plan a beautiful wedding and an even more beautiful marriage.
2. Take family photos. Print my favorite shots. Hang them. Photos deserve to take up room on our walls and in our hearts instead of space on my hard drive.
3. Host a dinner event and launch a project that's been in the works for some time. Inspire others to connect.
4. Travel outside of my comfort zone. Take trips, try things, think big.
5. Start reading from the "100 books to read before you die” list.
6. Make time once a week to create with my hands. Disconnect and make something out of nothing.
7. Learn a new skill, take a class.
8. Get back into practicing yoga regularly. Pick up some new gear as motivation.
9. Nurture my black thumb and watch something grow. Stop killing succulents.
10. Restore an old treasure.
11. Spend more time with nature. Breathe fresh air, soak up the sun.
12. Work constantly to cultivate a home. Make every addition intentional. Find a way to include Ainsworth’s taste in our space.
13. Conquer a fear (ride a horse, fail, be alone for a long stretch of time, see a movie alone at the theater...)
14. Be mindful of bringing things into our lives. Limit purchases to quality and reduce stress/bad influences.
15. Utilize the studio to its fullest potential. Create bigger and better things.
16. If something makes you happy, do it. That sounds easy but it isn’t.
17. Be confident in your talents. Stop comparing yourself to others or letting them make you feel less capable than you are.
18. Let go. Purge unnecessary stuff… it’s holding you back.
19. Make it a point to visit friends more often.
20. See more of the world. Go to New Orleans. Go to Nashville again. Go to the mountains. Go.

What are your goals for the new year?

LifestyleChelsea Jackson