Out of Office
Hello lovelies! I'm currently in transit home to sunny California with my dad, my sister and Lorelai in tow. Girlboss on Netflix is in my queue and I've got a couple novels to work my way through while we log a few miles (or 3,000) in the air. I'm so ready for a whole week of family time, some beach hangs, a trip to Joshua Tree / Palm Springs and one last memorial to celebrate the life of my beautiful mom.
I'll be away from the computer for a whole week and honestly, I probably won't even miss it. While I do have a ton of blog ideas in the works, I'm thinking that some time unplugged will be such a nice and necessary refresher. Thanks for hanging in there during this weird transition time! I'm sure that once we're settled on The Island, this blog will likely float back to being business as usual. Until then, I'll probably be Instagramming a ton and putting my favorite spotify playlist on heavy rotation. See ya soon... wish you were here!
a few perfect vacation finds
image of Georgia Fowler by Henrik Purienne