Since having Lorelai I haven't really made
much any time for leisure reading. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of "Goodnight Moon" going on around here and I can finish Domino Magazine (woohoo for their return to print!) cover to cover in the time in takes to soak in the tub... but an actual bound book? Fuhgeddaboudit. As part of my 101 in 1,001 challenge (I'm on a roll with my list, it's going fabulously so far) I've vowed to pick up a few more! My list of interesting reads includes stories about chic & smart women, guides to classic style and a few page-turners thrown in for fun. Here's to keeping my nose in the books!
Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald (I'm almost done with this one!), Grace: A Memoir, Diana Vreeland Memos, Lean In, The Goldfinch, Tomboy Style