Posts tagged 101 in 1001
Reading List

bookworm-chelsea-and-the-city-2 Since having Lorelai I haven't really made much any time for leisure reading. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of "Goodnight Moon" going on around here and I can finish Domino Magazine (woohoo for their return to print!) cover to cover in the time in takes to soak in the tub... but an actual bound book? Fuhgeddaboudit. As part of my 101 in 1,001 challenge (I'm on a roll with my list, it's going fabulously so far) I've vowed to pick up a few more! My list of interesting reads includes stories about chic & smart women, guides to classic style and a few page-turners thrown in for fun. Here's to keeping my nose in the books!

books-to-read-in-2014-chelsea-and-the-cityZ: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald (I'm almost done with this one!), Grace: A Memoir, Diana Vreeland Memos, Lean In, The Goldfinch, Tomboy Style

The Truth

the-truthSomething dawned on me toward the end of 2013 and, though I've been hinting a little here and there, I hadn't actually decided whether I wanted to blog through the process or wait for the big reveal to say, "Surprise, look what I did!"... until now. I took a little time to think things though and after hitting a big brick wall during the beginning stages (I'm still there, thick in the dreaming/planning process) I realized that a little accountability and a few friendly faces may just be the kick I need to get things going. I love this little blog of mine! It's such a fun space for me to work on everyday and I think it's growing in such an organic and meaningful way. Instead of collecting a huge number of readers that I have no connection to, I'm making lasting friendships with some truly talented creators. It's taboo to talk about in our little world of blogging but I feel like I can do more, be more. How great would it be to turn this labor of love into something that I can do long term?

Recently all of these random interests I've been exploring for so long (design, art, lettering, paper, product curating...) just came together in an a-ha moment and it struck me. Why not open a little shop? I have this love for beautiful things, a background in retail and the desire to share those things with the people that I adore. At this point it's mostly a dream but I've got to start somewhere and sharing the idea just might be that first step!

Most of my 101 in 1001 goals were secretly geared toward the venture (calligraphy lessons to explore the possibility of creating my own art prints, getting through the business-y elements of opening a shop like applying for licenses, etc) and I'm hoping that working through them will help me figure things out a little more. I would love for it to be a space that includes a mixture of original work and things from brands that have my personal seal of approval but I'm open to anything at this point. I'm just excited to see where the process takes me!

I would love your input! What do you think about this goal of mine (I almost called it a "little" dream but it's anything but)? Have you done something similar? Do you have any advice?

image via

101 in 1001

101-in-1001-goals In years past I've rebelled against New Years "resolutions" by creating lists of things I'd like to get around to accomplishing during the year. However, since there's never a concrete plan I usually fail to cross anything off (and I LOVE to cross things off of lists). This year, though, I came across Victoria's list and Mackenzie's idea for creating something that's "a happy medium between writing a to do list and keeping a bucket list"... sold! These goals will take me just about 2.75 years (the experiment will come to an end on September 28, 2016) to complete and I'm beyond excited to accomplish some big dreams and little goals alike.

p.s. I'll be updating my progress along the way so feel free to check back! If you've created a 101 in 1001 list and I can help you to achieve any of your goals, please don't hesitate to reach out... I would LOVE to help.

  1. Create my list of 101 goals (january 1, 2013)
  2. Have Chelsea & The City featured on a blog/site I admire (shared by Anthropologie April 2014)
  3. Collaborate with one of my "dream companies"
  4. Create original artwork
  5. Start my own business (!)
  6. Launch business website (update: purchased domain March 2014)
  7. Host a dinner party
  8. Attend New York Fashion Week
  9. Send 50 handwritten notes (||||| ||||)
  10. Connect with a blogging friend in person (brunch + shopping with Catalina Creative... so fun! April 2014)
  11. Make an address book with contacts of family and friends + birthdays
  12. Create a gallery wall for my workspace
  13. Find the perfect art for our living room
  14. Learn calligraphy practice, practice, practice!
  15. Watch 10 classic films (down to earth 1947, gilda 1946)
  16. Send someone a party in a box
  17. Go blonde
  18. A family session with an actual phtographer
  19. Paint something I would be proud to hang in our home
  20. Visit NYC
  21. Get engaged
  22. Get married
  23. Read 20 (new to me) books (Z: A Novel - january 2014, It by Alexa Chung - february 2014)
  24. Take a class
  25. Start making videos for Chelsea & The City  (may 2014)
  26. Take a dance lesson
  27. Go to the ballet
  28. Enroll Lorelai in ballet classes
  29. Plant something, watch it grow together
  30. Adopt a dog
  31. Revitalize an old piece of furniture
  32. Practice yoga regularly
  33. Go on a walk everyday for a week
  34. Try out (and wear all day) 5 new hairstyles ( | )
  35. Visit an out of town friend
  36. Join the local public library
  37. Pitch myself to someone I'd love to work with
  38. Create office hours and stick to them
  39. Find a wine that I love
  40. Visit Washington DC
  41. Start a collection (blue and white china, coffee mugs)
  42. Pay for the person behind me at Starbucks
  43. Go on a fancy dinner date night with Mr. Jackson
  44. Create a one-pager for my blog (february 4, 2014)
  45. Potty Train Lorelai
  46. Make a mommy friend (february 2014)
  47. Join a playgroup or activity for Lo
  48. Move into our first home
  49. Complete a computer/social media free weekend (february 2014)
  50. Own a bike… ride it
  51. Have a modern family crest designed… or design one myself
  52. Find the perfect pair of denim (january 2014)
  53. Make a new friend
  54. Host a major holiday at our house
  55. Attend a Williams-Sonoma Cooking class
  56. Read Lorelai a book every night before bed for a week
  57. Surprise Ainsworth with something special... out of the blue
  58. Go to five museums ( ||| )
  59. Drink hot water with lemon every morning for a month
  60. Attend BlogShop (or something similar)
  61. Go antiquing (january 16, 2014)
  62. Invest in a blazer
  63. Buy a great pair of boots
  64. Be debt-free
  65. Write a letter to myself to be opened on my 30th birthday
  66. Give 10 "just because" gifts
  67. Find the perfect LBD
  68. Ride a horse (or conquer a different fear)
  69. See a doctor for social anxiety
  70. Send a thank you note for every gift received (||)
  71. Visit a vineyard
  72. Stay in a bed & breakfast
  73. Invest in 10 beautiful coffee table books
  74. See a movie at the theater alone
  75. Get new glasses
  76. Find a way to work more God into my blog
  77. Commission a fun illustration
  78. Get my car fixed
  79. Start running
  80. Reach goal weight
  81. Find a way to organize magazines (january 25, 2014)
  82. Learn to fold fitted sheets
  83. Purchase or make a bar cart (january 4, 2014)
  84. Buy (and hang) curtains for every room
  85. Join a group or club
  86. Get a dining room table (january 2014)
  87. Find a signature shade of lipstick
  88. Bake a pie from scratch
  89. Try my hand at flower arranging… just for fun
  90. Buy monogrammed sheets + towels (once we share a monogram)
  91. Visit a Southern Living Idea House
  92. Work with a photographer for Chelsea & The City style posts
  93. Attend Making Things Happen
  94. Purchase Lara Casey's Powersheets or Whitney English's Day/Year Designer
  95. Complete #94 program
  96. Send business-specific Christmas cards
  97. Take one bath per week
  98. Whittle down my beauty routine to one cosmetics bag full (April 2014)
  99. Take more pictures
  100. Create a beautiful inspiration board for my workspace… update it constantly (january 2014)
  101. Inspire someone to make their own list (email me so I can check it out!) (ashlyn, kristin)