Weekend Words

sunday-the-goldfinch-j.crew-panama-hat-kiki-studded Lately I've noticed that this little corner of the internet is becoming a little more product-driven than I would like. While I thoroughly enjoy sharing my latest acquisitions with you (and we all know I'm down to gush about the newest J.Crew arrivals any day), I always intended for this space to be something a little more personal. Sharing the details of my everyday life might be scary sometimes (I always worry about crossing the overshare line or coming off as though I'm begging for praise when things are less than stellar) I'm hoping that 'Weekend Words' will be a nice change of pace from the week's sartorial musings.

This weekend has definitely been a bit of a let down... Mr. Jackson is visiting his mom and brother in Florida so Lo and I are going it alone and spending a few days camped out at home. I'm so in awe of single mothers everywhere! Not only am I reminded just how much I appreciate Mr.'s help but it's becoming apparent that a little me-time is sorely needed. I've been chatting a little with Sara and just love her idea of claiming Saturdays for herself! I have a feeling that I'll be carving out some momma time in the coming weeks. I'm thinking Sundays would be the perfect time to sneak away for a few hours and recharge a little.

Aside from family stuff, I'm also going through a few growing pains financially and blog-wise. I won't go into too much detail but, like a lot of young women, I've got a bit of debt that seriously needs to be attended to. I've always struggled with money anxiety and although I realize the importance of having my affairs in order, it's hard for me to focus too hard on funds without getting totally overwhelmed. Spending so much time searching the internet for beautiful things to share and scrolling through Instagram during downtime definitely does not help the situation! It's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the laundry list of wants and little glimpses of everyone's "perfect" lives in lieu of saving a few pennies. Going forward I'll be boycotting the buy and owning up to my financial responsibilities... keep me accountable friends! I also realize that without first getting things in check, I can't make moves toward opening the shop anytime soon. Major bummer!

With the terrible weather (hello never-ending Winter) seems to have come a serious cramp in everyone's blog style. I've been lacking inspiration for the last few weeks and although I keep re-reading Kelly's post on beating the blog rut, I'm pretty tired of banging my head against my desk in the hopes that an interesting idea will rattle itself loose. Quality is so much more important than quantity so you may see a little scaling back until my mojo has returned.

It's not all bad though... in recent months I've managed to make such great friends through this wonderful journey and I'm so grateful for all of your kind words and cheerleading emails. You are all amazing and I'm so lucky to have had a hand in creating this fabulous community. As always, I can be reached via email for the ever-important chat session (they're truly the highlights of my week)! Enjoy your Sunday and hold your loved ones extra tight today, I'm finding that little Lo hugs are the only thing saving my weekend from a serious case of the blues.

Chelsea Jacksonpersonal