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The Truth

the-truthSomething dawned on me toward the end of 2013 and, though I've been hinting a little here and there, I hadn't actually decided whether I wanted to blog through the process or wait for the big reveal to say, "Surprise, look what I did!"... until now. I took a little time to think things though and after hitting a big brick wall during the beginning stages (I'm still there, thick in the dreaming/planning process) I realized that a little accountability and a few friendly faces may just be the kick I need to get things going. I love this little blog of mine! It's such a fun space for me to work on everyday and I think it's growing in such an organic and meaningful way. Instead of collecting a huge number of readers that I have no connection to, I'm making lasting friendships with some truly talented creators. It's taboo to talk about in our little world of blogging but I feel like I can do more, be more. How great would it be to turn this labor of love into something that I can do long term?

Recently all of these random interests I've been exploring for so long (design, art, lettering, paper, product curating...) just came together in an a-ha moment and it struck me. Why not open a little shop? I have this love for beautiful things, a background in retail and the desire to share those things with the people that I adore. At this point it's mostly a dream but I've got to start somewhere and sharing the idea just might be that first step!

Most of my 101 in 1001 goals were secretly geared toward the venture (calligraphy lessons to explore the possibility of creating my own art prints, getting through the business-y elements of opening a shop like applying for licenses, etc) and I'm hoping that working through them will help me figure things out a little more. I would love for it to be a space that includes a mixture of original work and things from brands that have my personal seal of approval but I'm open to anything at this point. I'm just excited to see where the process takes me!

I would love your input! What do you think about this goal of mine (I almost called it a "little" dream but it's anything but)? Have you done something similar? Do you have any advice?

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Letting Go

sugar-paper-for-target-plannerWhile playing host to family is undeniably fun I really needed this weekend to regroup after my sweet parents and little sister hit the road. With January almost over and the push to actually start digging into these resolutions (rather than keep talking about them) looming over my head, a lazy morning in bed was just what I needed to figure a few things out...


jcrew-vintage-monogrammed-pajamas-sugar-paper-for-target-planner Last year was a wonderful (read: eventful) one for me. Mr. Jackson was offered a permanent position after graduating college and our little family packed up and moved to a new home state. If I had to, I'd classify 2013 as the year of "upheaval". I'm still working hard to make Alabama feel like home, despite our lack of friends and family in the area, and set up a routine that we're all comfortable in but I feel like I'm ready to focus inward and settle all of the sifting that went on last year.

emily-ley-simplified-planner-j.crew-style-guide-january Here's where 2014 comes in... I'm declaring this the year of letting go! I want to let go of anxiety (something I struggle with daily), let go of the fear that's holding me back from wonderful things and let go of all of the stress and up-in-the-air feelings of late. I have big plans to regroup (in my pjs with my favorite planners) as often as possible and focus on letting it all fall away so that I can get to all of the fabulous plans I have for the year.

j.crew-vintage-pajama-set There are a few fun things brewing here at Chelsea & The City (I haven't decided whether to blog through the process or surprise you with the finished result... so hang in there) and I couldn't be more pumped to conquer it all. While jotting work things down is a necessity, I want to make it a point to pencil in more time for family and God this year and of course a little time to let it go.

simplified-planner-emily-ley-j.crew-style-guide sources: navy pajamas, monogrammed pajamas, sugar paper for target planner, simplified planner, phone case, ring dish, lamp, monogram mug

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Just Bewteen Us...

c5c4d6dc773311e3a24212df786a068e_8 While the beginning of a new year is always an exciting time (fresh starts and endless lists of inspiring resolutions abound) it can all be a little overwhelming. It's so easy to get wrapped up in trying to be better. The past week or so has been go, go, go up here in my head and I'm starting to get a little winded. There are so many pressures that we put on ourselves for the new year. Pressure to be smarter, more fit, tidier, more organized, a better wife/girlfriend/mommy/sister/friend/blogger... and it's a lot!

We put so many things on our own plates and sometimes it helps just to break it all down a bit, doesn't it?

Last week I asked you guys to answer a few questions and I was a little surprised by the answers (but I heard ya'll!). It sounds silly but it never actually occurred to me that you might want to hear about my life on my blog. We all like pretty clothes. I know several of you enjoy J.Crew just about as much as I do and shiny things make your little hearts pitter patter just a tad. It just never occurred to me that you might also be interested in hearing about what it's like to be starting your own family and navigating your twenties. This year I'm going to make an effort to open up and share a little more of what it's really like around here!

Growing pains... let's talk about 'em for a second. I love this little blog of mine. I love it to pieces! It has become such a happy space and I am so motivated to grow it and see it become more successful (even if that's not what you're supposed to say). I want nothing more than to pour all of my time and energy into making everything bigger and better and easier to navigate but that's just not practical. I'm so proud that (with a few exceptions) I posted every.single.weekday of 2013 but it was a lot of work and a few other areas of my life suffered. I want to feel empowered to miss a day or two here and there without explanation (forgive me, won't you?). I want to go out to dinner with Mr. Jackson or take an extra long bubble bath with Lo instead of working on my blog post for the next day and I'm going to do that from time to time. On the flip side, I have something BIG in the works that I know will take a lot of work... you win some, you lose some.

In other news, my mom and sister are visiting Alabama for the next week as they make their way to a new home in Washington D.C. (my dad is driving from their old house in California). I think a little bit of sister-time is just what I need to get over this little hump!