Posts in Holiday
I'm Thankful For...

thankful I am thankful for a wonderful little family of my own making. And for the family I've had my whole life.

I am thankful for their support and love. That they let me express myself, explore my dreams and chase my whims.

I am thankful for an honorable, hard-working, handsome man to call my own. I am thankful for his hugs of reassurance and unyielding encouragement.

I am thankful for a beautiful, healthy and happy little girl with which to spend my days re-learning this world of ours. I could not fathom loving any one human being more than I love Lorelai and I am one lucky momma.

I am thankful for you. Thankful for this little space and how it's grown/growing.

I'm wishing you the happiest Thanksgiving!

xo -

image via fromme-toyou

DIY Thanksgiving Leftover Labels

diy-thanksgiving-leftover-labels My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers! For some reason, my cranberry-apple dressing tastes even better the next day and nothing says Happy Turkey Day like the perfectly executed leftovers-sandwich.

In the past I've loaded up the fridge/sent guests home with mismatched plastic containers but not this year! I whipped up these festive labels (with the help of my tiny assistant... see that chubby toddler hand?), stocked up on kraft boxes and am determined to have a pretty post-Thanksgiving fridge. Want to use them too? Simply print on label paper or secure with tape... wasn't that easy?!

Download the labels here! Not a huge city fan? Download the labels sans skyscrapers here.




Kraft Boxes: Michael's Baker's Twine: Michael's Washi Tape: Etsy Zinc Letters: DIY

Four Favorites: Thanksgiving

four-favorites-thanksgivingmagnolia & pepperberry garland // wishbone // country estate plates // stand mixer

My pie crusts are setting, the linens are pressed, tomorrow's the big day... are you ready?! Luckily, this Thanksgiving is just for my little threesome of a family so I only have to worry about a tiny turkey. This year has been so great to us and I have so many things to be thankful for (a new home, Mr. Jackson's wonderful new job, this amazing blog journey... I could go on). I'm so very grateful for the opportunity to explore so many lovely things in this little corner of the internet with you!


Don't forget to link up your favorites!